Art History Midterm!!!

Last Thursday I had to take a midterm for my Art History class. Now typically tests make me FREAK out, but there must have been something in the air that day, because I felt great about it! Now it could have been because I had been studying since he started the new unit, or it could have been because I literally forced myself to memorize everything (meaning I wrote the 2 essays in advance and just memorized them). Anyways, this unit was all about Egyptian art and the Aegean Civilizations (aka pre-Greeks). And me being a huge mythology nerd, had a pretty good understanding of the art and architecture that I was getting myself into. Now don't get me wrong, I learned lots of valuable information, like the Pyramids were built in one kingdom (the Old Kingdom) and then were never built again, that they didn't really show action in their art and that they used some freaky statue (a "ka" statue) to symbolize their souls (and provide a resting spot, should their tombs be raided). Also, did y'all know that King Tutankhamen was the only (as far as we know) king to not have his tomb raided. And it was not because he was a popular king or whatever, but instead because the looters accidentally covered his tomb while excavating another one. And the Great Pyramids of Cairo are named after 3 kings, Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure! And Khafre's pyramid housed the Great Sphinx outside of it. I could go on and on if it was needed, but I believe you all get the point. Now, for my grade, let me just tell you, I'm actually so mad at myself. I got a 99% on the entire exam, but the one point I missed was instead of saying "New Kingdom," I said "Old Kingdom." I knew what I was talking about, but I messed up, as humans do. So it's okay, whatever. But now, for our new unit, we're talking about Greek and Roman art/architecture. Which I'm about to EAT up, because as I said, I LOVE me some mythology, especially when it comes to all the Greek myths. Big Percy Jackson fan here! 


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